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Quick Note Look up in Dendron

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Published 4 years ago
Updated 3 years ago

You can use CMD+L to look up a note in the same hierarchy that you are currently in.

If you know the note you want to create or find is in the same hierarchy tree, this is a fast way to find it.

Instructor: [0:00] To quickly look up a note in Dendron, you can use Cmd+l. This will auto-populate the current hierarchy path that you are in. Since I'm in this Dendron note, it pasted Dendron into my lookup. Now I can easily look up sub-hierarchies of Dendron.

[0:24] This is in contrast our usual Cmd+Shift+s command, where it will pre-populate a scratch file for you. Then you have to delete that and look for notes that are in other hierarchies that way. It's useful when you know your note is in a sub-hierarchy. You can just go .welcome.