The Beginner's Guide to React
A Beginners Guide to React Introduction
Create a User Interface with Vanilla JavaScript and DOM
Create a User Interface with React’s createElement API
Create a User Interface with React’s JSX syntax
Use JSX effectively with React
Render two elements side-by-side with React Fragments
Create a Simple Reusable React Component
Validate Custom React Component Props with PropTypes
Understand and Use Interpolation in JSX
Rerender a React Application
Style React Components with className and inline Styles
Use Event Handlers with React
Manage state in a React Component with the useState hook
Manage side-effects in a React Component with the useEffect hook
Use a lazy initializer with useState
Manage the useEffect dependency array
Create reusable custom hooks
Manipulate the DOM with React refs
Understand the React Hook Flow
Make Basic Forms with React
Make Dynamic Forms with React
Controlling Form Values with React
Using React Error Boundaries to handle errors in React Components
Use the key prop when Rendering a List with React
Lifting and colocating React State
Make HTTP Requests with React
Handle HTTP Errors with React
Install and use React DevTools
Build and deploy a React Application with Codesandbox, GitHub, and Netlify
A Beginners Guide to React Outro
Reusable State and Effects with React Hooks
Introduction to Reusable State and Effects with React Hooks
Environment Setup for React Hooks
Add State with the useState Hook to a React Function Component
Add Linting to Help Enforce Rules when Using React Hooks
Add a Lifecycle Event with the useEffect Hook to a React Function Component
Use the React useRef Hook to Reference a DOM Element or Simulate an Instance Variable
Write Custom Hooks to Share Logic Between React Function Components
Leverage an Existing Community Hook in Your React Function Component
Use the useReducer Hook and Dispatch Actions to Update State
Use the useContext Hook to Wire-up the React Context API
Simulate PureComponent with a React Function Component
Leverage the React useMemo Hook for Expensive Operations
Convert a Render Props Component using a Custom React Hook
Simplify React Apps with React Hooks
Introduction to Refactoring a React Application to React Hooks
Refactor a Class Component with React hooks to a Function
Handle Deep Object Comparison in React's useEffect hook with the useRef Hook
Safely setState on a Mounted React Component through the useEffect Hook
Extract Generic React Hook Code into Custom React Hooks
Track Values Over the Course of Renders with React useRef in a Custom usePrevious Hook
Refactor a React Class Component with useContext and useState Hooks
Refactor a render Prop Component to a Custom React Hook
Handle componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount in React Component Refactor to Hooks
Dynamically Import React Components with React.lazy and Suspense
Preload React Components with the useEffect Hook
Shareable Custom Hooks in React
Change a Stateful React Class Component to a Function Component with the State Hook
Use the React Effect Hook in Function Components
Write a Custom State Hook in React
Write a Custom React Effect Hook
Extract a Custom Hook into its own Module with create-react-hook
Test your Custom Hook Module with react-hooks-testing-library
Prepare a Custom React Hook to be Published as an npm Package
Publish a Custom React Hook as an npm Package
Develop Accessible Web Apps with React
Set up ESLint to Audit Accessibility Issues in React
Use react-axe to Audit Accessibility Issues at Runtime during Development
Use the axe Browser Extension to Audit a Web Page for Accessibility Issues
Use tota11y to Visualize Accessibility Issues
Use a High Contrast Browser Extension to Find Color Contrast Accessibility Issues
Change Display Preferences on Mac to Find Color Contrast Accessibility Issues
Enable High Contrast Mode on Windows
Access and Customize VoiceOver Settings on MacOS
Navigate a Webpage with VoiceOver in Safari
Test for Landmark Region Accessibility Issues in React
Define Landmark Regions of a web page using ARIA roles
Define Landmark Regions of a web page using HTML5 sectioning elements
Test for Heading Level Accessibility Issues
Correctly Define Heading Levels of a Web Page
Test for Form Control Label Accessibility Issues
Ensure Form Controls have Accessible Labels
Add Accessible Labels to Elements Whose Labels are Not Clear Enough
Add Accessible Labels to Provide Elements with More Context
Add an Accessible Label to an Element from the Text of Other Elements
Add Accessible Descriptions to Elements
Test for Image Alternative Text Accessibility Issues
Define Images with Appropriate Text Alternatives
Test for Insufficient Color Contrast Accessibility Issues
Use Sufficient Color Contrast in Web Page Design
Use More than Color Alone to Convey Information in a Web Page
Define a Live Region to Ensure Dynamic Changes are Announced by Assistive Technologies
Appropriately Set the Focus on Each Page Load of a Web Application
WTF are Accessible Design Patterns?